So, it's only twenty short weeks till I fly to Ukraine to dedicate my summer to kids. There is so much to do, and so little time. I've already been getting requests from people as to how they can help me out by donating. All in good time, my friends. I want to get things set up so that you can either donate to me through a church (which gives you a tax write-off), or so that any money given directly to me goes into an account separate from the account that I use on a daily basis for school supplies, emergency groceries, etcetera. Letters will be mailed out shortly after I get back to school, including an official letter from World Wide Witness to show that this is a legitimate trip- I understand some people just want the peace of mind. For those of you wondering, the trip cost is going to be approximately $2,000 for flight, $1,200 for expenses while in Ukraine, and $1,800 contingency- at least, that's what I understand as of right now, things could definitely change as the date gets closer and I talk with the non-profit and trip organizers more. I'm still working on getting an Etsy shop together, where you can buy handmade items (chalkboard mugs, jewelry, etc.)- that way you're getting something, but you're still helping me get to Ukraine.
I want to stress the fact that money is not all I need. Going to Ukraine is a big step, and it takes a lot of mental and spiritual preparation. I pray daily asking God to prepare my heart for what I'll be doing, help me get my life priorities in check, and guide me through this journey. Prayers and encouragement mean the world to me. While you don't have to tell me that you're praying for me, because I know many people already are, if you want to talk to me more about what this trip means to me, let me know you're praying, or just give me a shout-out, you can message me on Facebook, e-mail me, or send me a letter:
Rachel Williams
122 McGlothlin Campus Center
ACU Box 26937
Abilene, Texas 79699
I want to stress the fact that money is not all I need. Going to Ukraine is a big step, and it takes a lot of mental and spiritual preparation. I pray daily asking God to prepare my heart for what I'll be doing, help me get my life priorities in check, and guide me through this journey. Prayers and encouragement mean the world to me. While you don't have to tell me that you're praying for me, because I know many people already are, if you want to talk to me more about what this trip means to me, let me know you're praying, or just give me a shout-out, you can message me on Facebook, e-mail me, or send me a letter:
Rachel Williams
122 McGlothlin Campus Center
ACU Box 26937
Abilene, Texas 79699