Tuesday, February 21

Home Church

Good news! Fossil Creek Community Church has agreed to be my home church- this means they'll be accepting donations. Some people will be getting letters in the next few weeks- but for the rest of you this blog is my line to you. I need approximately $6700- and basically a person can sponsor one day of my trip for $85.

Here's a breakdown of my budget: 

1.       Expenses:  10 weeks @ $170 / wk + $300 for Poland= $2000
2.       Airfare:  $1700 estimated
3.       Compensation: 10 weeks @ $200 / wk = $2000
4.       Preparation and Supplies: $400
5.       TOTAL = $6100.  

Any donations can be sent to:
Fossil Creek Community Church
6700 North Riverside Drive 
Fort Worth, Texas 76137

Checks should be made out to Fossil Creek Community church with an attached note saying "donation to the Rachel Williams mission trip".