Wednesday, February 8

Team Updates

Whoop! It's an update. So over the last couple weeks my team has grown from three awesome girls, to a team of five, maybe six, plus another that is going to be there for a whole year! He will probably arrive in July- so he won't be there the whole time that we are. I have an awesome team. I met with all of them today- and it was fantastic. Every time someone mentions Ukraine I get a big smile on my face.
I still don't have an overseeing church, which makes it difficult to accept donations since many people feel more comfortable donating to a church rather than directly to me- which I completely understand. The missions committee at Fossil Creek Community Church, my home church where I grew up, will review my proposal on the first Sunday of March. After that I'll have a month to get the money for a plane ticket, and another month after that to get the remainder of my money- which isn't much time. But- I did the math, and this was a nifty fact. If someone donates $85, they will be sponsoring one day in Ukraine. So, if you want to sponsor one day- it only costs $85! I'm still looking into getting a job here in Abilene to help raise the money, but that's difficult considering I'm a student first and foremost, and then a missionary. Taking 18 hours doesn't exactly lend itself to putting in a bunch of hours at work.
But, through Christ all things are possible. I feel strongly that Ukraine is where I'm meant to be, and that means that I am trusting God to get me there. I'm meeting him halfway and doing my part, and I have faith that he will do his because he wants me in Ivankiv.

God's Blessing and Peace be with you,